Dune Firmware Zone


Tools for customizing UI and behavior of Dune HD media players

dune_folder_howto.txt - a description of "dune_folder.txt" mechanism, a mechanism allowing to assign custom icons to folder items and customize folders appearance/behavior in other ways.

media_url.txt - a description of "media URL" concept, a widely used in Dune HD media players mechanism allowing to reference media content, graphic resources, other kinds of files/resources.

AAImageGen.exe - a tool (MS Windows executable) for creating images in "AAI" format (the format internally used internally used by Dune HD media players).

AAImageGen-README.txt - a description of "AAImageGen.exe" tool and some notes on "AAI" image file format.

InetRadio_and_IPTV_config_howto.txt - a description of how custom Internet radio and IPTV configurations can be prepared.

InetRadio_and_IPTV_config_howto.zip - a package including everything needed to prepare custom Internet radio and IPTV configurations (includes: InetRadio_and_IPTV_config_howto.txt, dune_folder_howto.txt, AAImageGen.exe, AAImageGen-README.txt).

Service files for backup/restore

dune_service_save_network_folders.dsf, dune_service_load_network_folders.dsf - service files allowing to save network folders configuration from the player into a file, and then load network folders configuration from the file to the player. The "save" service creates the file "dune_network_folders.txt" near the DSF file, and the "load" service loads the data from this file. The "load" service completely overwrites the current network folders configuration (i.e. all existing network folders are lost, and new network folders are loaded from the file).

Utilities for specific Android models

dune_service_android_su_install.dsf - Models with Android 6-9 only. Installs "SU" software to make Android OS "rooted" (some Android applications require this in order to work). This change is preserved till firmare update.

dune_service_android_private_dns_mode_off.dsf - Models with Android 9 only. Disables "Private DNS" feature. This change is preserved till settings reset.

dune_service_android_private_dns_mode_auto.dsf - Models with Android 9 only. Enables "Private DNS" feature. This change is preserved till settings reset.

Utilities for DVB-S/S2 for Dune HD Sky 4K Plus

sky4k_dvb_help.zip - User manuals and utilities for DVB-S/S2 functionality on Dune HD Sky 4K Plus media players.