Internet Radio and IPTV configurations for Dune players ======================================================= Quick introduction ------------------ There is a list of stations/channels. Each station/channel has a name, icon, and media URL. To prepare a configuration, create the following hierachy of folders and files: dune_folder.txt Station1/ dune_folder.txt icon.aai Station2/ dune_folder.txt icon.aai ... StationN/ dune_folder.txt icon.aai Here: Each folder corresponds to one station/channel (folder name is station/channel name). The top level "dune_folder.txt" determines visualization parameters for the whole configuration (enables icon view mode for the folder containing the configuration). Inner "dune_folder.txt" files determine media URL and icon file/parameters for each station/channel in the configuration. "icon.aai" files are icon images (in a special .AAI image file format, internally used by Dune, see below). Example ------- InetRadio_config/ dune_folder.txt use_icon_view = yes num_cols = 5 num_rows = 4 icon_top = 15 text_bottom = 15 Radio Classique/ dune_folder.txt icon_path=icon.aai icon_dx=0 icon_dy=0 icon_valign=center media_url= icon.aai "dune_folder.txt" file format ----------------------------- Information about "dune_folder.txt" file format can be found here: dune_folder_howto.txt "AAI" image file format ----------------------- Information about "AAI" image file format and the "AAImageGen" tool for converting other image file formats into it can be found here: AAImageGen-README.txt How to test configuration ------------------------- Just open the folder with the configuration in the file browser of the player. You should see all configured stations/channels. Select a station/channel and press PLAY to launch it. How to assign a configuration to top-level menu item ---------------------------------------------------- Ensure the following: 1. The "Setup -> Applications -> IPTV or Internet Radio -> Show in main screen" option should be set to "Yes". 2. The configuration should be stored in the "IPTV_config/" or "InetRadio_config/" folder of the drive attached to the player. NOTE: in future, it is expected that more ways to assign configuration to top-level menu item will become supported.