• Dune Electronics

    Website: www.dune.ru

    Postal Code: 125319

    Address: Moscow, Chernyahovskogo str, 17A

    說明: Distribution of Dune HD media players and set-top boxes in Russian Federation

    Contact person: Yana Zavyalova

    Post: Head of B2B Sales Department

    Phone: +7 (495) 646-00-01; 989-22-85

    Fax: +7 (495) 646-00-02

  • OCS Distribution

    Website: www.ocs.ru

    Postal Code: 194100

    Address: 68D, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky avenue

    Phone: +7 812 324-2860

    Fax: +7 812 324-2875

    City: St. Petersburg