New GUI |
New GUI is available in r20+ firmware versions.
The following additional functions are planned in future versions:
- New functions for My Collection: media info tags (4K, ATMOS, etc), user-editable movie information, etc.
- Possibilities to customize the GUI structure (remove unneeded items, reorder items, etc).
Firmware Versions
Stable and beta versions: http://dune-hd.com/firmware
Alpha versions: http://dune-hd.com/firmware/alpha
Summary of the new features:
New GUI structure:
- New overall main screen design, which makes the available content visible immediately.
- New main menu at the top of the screen.
- The content corresponding to the main menu items is shown immediately when the cursor moves through the items.
- New "Movies" menu: shows "regular" movies (not TV series) from online services and My Collection.
- New "TV Series" menu: shows TV series from online services and My Collection.
- New "TV" menu: shows TV channels (supported in some regions), or provides access to the favorite TV app.
- New "Applications" menu: combines "Android applications" and "Dune HD applications" submenus.
- The menus "Sources", "Favorites", "Recent", "Setup" are still available and work the same way as before.
- New look of poster walls: each category as a horizontally scrollable row.
- New menu with quick overview of available categories at the left of the screen.
- Netflix-like view with the information about the currently selected poster at the top.
- Netflix-like video preview for the currently selected poster.
- Some of the new features can be configured in "Setup / Appearance / Additional" menu: use Netflix-like view or fill the entire screen with posters, show video preview or not, show the new left menu automatically or not.
- All previous ways how the GUI can look are still available - just choose another GUI skin in "Setup / Appearance / Main" menu.
Online services:
- Content from online services is now integrated as submenus in "Movies" and "TV series" menus.
- More online services are now integrated into these menus, including for example Amazon Prime Video (set of available services depends on a region).
- Online services available in your region are automatically enabled by default.
- You can configure the set of shown online services via POP UP MENU / "Configure Online Services..." and "Setup / Applications / Movies / Configure Online Services...".
- If you change your region (for example, when you use VPN), the set of available online services is adjusted automatically.
- The old view of Movies menu is available via "Applications / Dune HD applications / Movies".
- (NOTE: The work on improving compatibility with APKs for online services is in progress.)
My Collection:
- My Collection is now integrated as submenu into the new "Movies" and "TV Shows" menus.
- My Collection settings are available via POP UP MENU / "Collection Management" and "Setup / My Collection".
- Various improvements in automatic and manual movies matching, especially in respect to handling of TV shows.
- The possibility to manually edit season/episode number ("Edit Movie Information..." / "Choosen association" / POP UP MENU / "Edit Season and Episode...")..
- The server part of My Collection has been upgraded, which solves a lot of "can not find a matching movie" problems.
- The old view of My Collection is available via "Applications / Dune HD applications / My Collection".
- Support for "Movie collections" (also known as "Movie sagas").
- New categories "Continue Watching", "Newly added", "By Name", "By Year".
- Display of watch progress for movies directly in the main menu.
- Improved handling of TV shows, in particular, when resuming playback of a TV show.
Nice looking movies catalog directly in file browser:
- Press "A" button in any folder and this folder will be immediately switched into a Netflix-like view (as in My Collection).
- Movies and episodes in this folder will be automatically recognized and presented correspondingly. Only confirmed matches are shown to avoid showing incorrect matches.
- Press "A" again to switch back to to the default view.
- The latest chosen view is remembered for each folder.
- If the folder contains episodes of a TV series, a special various of this view is used, optimized for TV series.
- The watching progress for each file is indicated.
- If some file is not recognized as a movie, use POP UP MENU / "Edit Movie Information" to confirm the matching movie.
- If some episode has no correct season/episode number, use POP UP MENU / "Edit Movie Information..." / POP UP MENU / Edit Season and Episode..."
- If the folder is a part of My Collection -- this new view is enabled by default.
- It is recommended to add folders with movies and TV series to My Collection and index them. This will improve the performance of this new view and will help to properly recognize folders and subfolders in the file browser in more cases.
Other file browser improvements:
- The watch progress for files is displayed also in the regular file view.
- "Edit Movie Information..." action can be called for any video file directly in file browser.
- Pressing ENTER on an episode immediately starts iss playback instead of showing the TV Series information screen first.
- To show TV series information for an episode, use POP UP MENU / "TV Series Information".
New search function, voice search, voice input:
- The new search function (accessible via "Search" icon at the top menu) provides a new convenient way to search for movies (both in My Collection and in Online Services).
- It can also be accessed by "SEARCH" / "MIC" button on the remote.
- Press "MIC" button (on Bluetooth remotes with built-in microphone) for voice search.
- "MIC" button also allows voice input into any text field in Dune HD user interface.
- (Voice search/input functionality is supported on models with Android 9+ and requires Google Services to be enabled. Use "Android apps / Play Store" icon to enable them.)
- A new better-quality improved font is used now on all GUI screens.
- Some alternative fonts can be chosen using "Setup / Appearance / UI TTF font" setting.
- A custom TTF font can be installed by pressing ENTER on *.ttf file in the file browser.
Background images:
- A new default background image.
- The possibility to easily set a custom background image: choose *.jpg file in the file browser, and use POP UP MENU / "Set as background image".
- To reset to the default background image: perform "Set as background image" action on an empty (zero length) *.jpg file.
- A special function for convenient switching between and testing different background images: create "dune_background" folder in "Storages / Built-in memory" and put *.jpg files into it, then press "ZOOM" RCU button anywhere in the GUI n to toggle through these images (using Dune Control mobile app or a version of Dune remote with "ZOOM" button).
- If "dune_background" folder does not exist, or if the last image in this folder is selected, "ZOOM" button restores the default background image.
Send you feedback, suggestions, bug reports to the email support _at_ dune-hd.com.
Please add "NewGUI" to the email subject.