Icon set structure ================== For each icon which appears in Dune screens, there are two versions - large and small (48x48). The small icons are located in the "small_icons" folder; they are just a number of AAI files. The large icons are located in the "large_icons" folder, and are represented by a number of AAI files (the same file names as for small icons), and several text files containing property values (".properties" files). Each large icon appears in one or more property files. The properties contain values which influence the placement of the icon on the screen, and also specify the so-called crop margins: to save file size, AAI files for large icons do not contain transparent margins, and the number of pixels by which a particular icon has been cropped at each side is stored in the properties. Thus, when an icon image is changed, the transparent margins of the new image should be cropped, and the margin sizes should be written to each property file the icon appears in. ImageCropper tool ================= This tool helps to generate large icons: it accepts a number of images and property files, performs convertion to AAI (if necessary), crops each image and writes the cropping values to all relevant entries in the property files. This is a command-line tool. It accepts a list of files as arguments, where each file can be an image file (AAI, PNG or any other supported for conversion to AAI) or a ".properties" file. To use the tool, the following scenario can be recommended. Put the "ImageCropperC.exe" file to the "large_icons" directory. Open a command prompt (e.g. press the Start button, then Run, then type "cmd"), and navigate (using the "cd" command) to the "large_icons" directory. Put the PNG files with icon images to be replaced (not cropped). Put these files to the "large_icons" directory and delete the corresponding old AAI files. Issue a command: "AAImageCropperC *.png *.properties". Remove the "AAImageCropperC.exe" and AAI files, as well as the "$..." files (backups created by the tool) from the "large_icons" directory.