Entering Text with Remote Control
Generally, entering text is carried out the same way as with most cell phones.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Enter a character to the position pointed by the cursor.
First press: enter the first character from a set of characters related to this button. Each subsequent press: you may change the entered character to the next one from this set.
0: enter the space.
1: enter a special character (punctuation marks, etc).
- Up, Down, Left, Right after pressing 1 (special character entering mode): select the required character.
ENTER: confirm selection; finish text entering.
SUBTITLE: enter the period (for numeric mode); functions like button 1 (character mode).
CLEAR (<-): delete a character to the left of cursor.
SELECT (cap|num): switch input mode:
- abc: character mode, small latin letters.
- ABC: character mode, capital latin letters.
- 123: numeric mode, digits.
RETURN: cancel the text changes and finish text entering.
Left/Right: move the cursor one character left/right.
Up/Down: move the cursor to the start/end of a text line.
- If the cursor is already in start/end position: select another user interface element which is under/over the current text entry area (only for dialogs with several elements of user interface; text changes are confirmed automatically).
POP UP MENU: show context menu with a list of available commands. They allow you to cut, copy and paste text using the clipboard, much like it is done on a PC.